With an innate acumen for business development and an unwavering commitment to helping the communities around him, Mr. Haresh Mehta has been an entrepreneur since the 1970s, and has launched several highly successful companies that have been trendsetting pioneers in their respective industries.
After rapidly diversifying into different spheres and understanding the changing dynamics of globalization, Mr. Haresh founded Eximcan Canada in 1992, a full service trade company with extensive global footprints. Since its inception, the company has grown into a tremendous success while remaining committed to the development of positive, long-term business relationships with our customers, based on our guiding principles of trust, professionalism and ethics. Everything we do revolves around our mission to provide the best quality products at the best possible price.
Realized that to fulfill his vision of community service, he needed to be politically connected in order to showcase profound achievements and illustrate the need for expansion of community and social services, and required resources. Over the years, has established relationships with several important political leaders and has played a pivotal role assisting these leaders to achieve their goals and expand their networks within the Indian community.
Community development work represents a mix of public life and philanthropy. His main purpose in both areas has primarily been to foster a better understanding between the Indo-Canadian community and mainstream Canadian society.
In mind, success is not a measure of prosperity and wealth. It is a measure of helping the community. Over the past four decades, he has divided his time almost equally between business development and community development. Achievements encompass all spheres of human endeavor. He has shown exemplary aptitude and acumen for entrepreneurship, an abiding passion for community development, a visionary zeal for philanthropy and dedication through it all.
During his long illustrious career to date, has been on the advisory boards of numerous associations and has avowedly eschewed awards and accolades, believing in the adage that work is worship. Bowing to the insistence of his well wishers, he agreed to accept the Queen Elizabeth II Diamond Jubilee Medal in 2013 and the ICCC Humanitarian Award in 2018. He has also been honored with the Gujarat Gaurav Award for Lifetime Services on May 4 2019 by Gujarat Public Affair Council of Canada( GPAC)