Alcohol Use Disorder: What It Is, Symptoms & Treatment

Alcohol Use Disorder: What It Is, Symptoms & Treatment

alcohol paralysis symptoms

Brain MRI performed 6 weeks previously (for an episode of transient confusion in the context of urosepsis) revealed no abnormalities. No signal changes were evident on contrast-enhanced brain MRI; EEG revealed mild slowing, and CSF analyses were normal. Follow-up brain MRI performed 10 days after presentation (and 10 days of IV thiamine repletion) supported imaging resolution of the syndrome. alcohol neuropathy stages His cognition gradually improved, and was unremarkable 1 month after thiamine repletion; however, fixed neuro-ophthalmic deficits, including right abducens paresis, remained at that time. Although alcoholic peripheral neuropathy may contribute to muscle weakness and atrophy by injuring the motor nerves controlling muscle movement, alcoholic neuropathy more commonly affects sensory fibers.

What are the complications of this condition?

Light touch can feel exaggerated and painful, particularly in the fingers and toes. The case highlights the often delayed nature of symptom reporting in alcoholic patients with profound neuropathy. Symptoms may only be reported when bothersome in the course of hobbies or employment. Although this patient does not have frank cerebellar involvement, the etiology of ataxia can be difficult to discern once both large fiber sensory neuropathic changes and cerebellar dysfunction are evident. If a person developed mobility issues from Wernicke’s encephalopathy, they may require physical therapy.

Can Drinking Alcohol Trigger a Brain Aneurysm?

alcohol paralysis symptoms

In chronic myopathy, myoglobinuria is absent, and creatine kinase (CK) is normal, reduced, or mildly elevated, unless an acute myopathy is superimposed. Cardiomyopathy is also commonly present when skeletal muscle is affected. Other associations with alcoholism, such as malnutrition, liver dysfunction, vitamin deficiencies, hormonal alterations, and phosphate deficiency, are independent factors for alcohol myopathy development. Recurrent bouts of acute myoglobinuria are not the cause of chronic myopathy. Alcoholic polyneuropathy is a neurological disorder in which peripheral nerves throughout the body malfunction simultaneously.

alcohol paralysis symptoms

Enhancing Healthcare Team Outcomes

  • So, the nerve damage of alcoholic neuropathy is generally permanent and likely to worsen if the person does not stop drinking.
  • In an acute compressive lesion, electrodiagnostic studies are helpful for both diagnosis and prognosis.
  • People may have trouble coordinating their leg movements, but usually not their arms.
  • Alcoholic neuropathy can result in hypersensitivity to touch and even resting pain.
  • It can take longer to recover muscle strength and movement in chronic alcoholic myopathy, but it can be reversed.

The distribution of pain and weakness is typically proximal; however, regional or even focal involvement can occur, as detailed in Case 7-4. Local calf pain and swelling can be confused with thrombophlebitis. Muscle destruction may be enhanced by fasting, which commonly occurs in binge drinking. Attacks can be recurrent, correlating with additional episodes of heavy drinking.

Binge drinking

Alcohol use disorder can include periods of being drunk (alcohol intoxication) and symptoms of withdrawal. A person can improve their outlook by significantly reducing or stopping their alcohol intake and ensuring that they are receiving the right balance of nutrients. A wide range of support networks and medical treatments are available. Symptoms of alcoholic neuropathy may be different for each individual. Some may experience only one symptom, while others experience several.

Increased Pain and Hypersensitivity

Injury to these fibers can cause tingling or burning pain in the feet, which may be severe enough to interfere with walking. As the condition worsens, pain decreases but numbness increases. Alcoholic myopathy, or weakness secondary to breakdown of muscle tissue, is also known as alcoholic rhabdomyolysis or alcoholic myoglobinuria. Males are affected by acute (sudden onset) alcoholic myopathy four times as often as females.

Treatment may involve nutritional supplementation, pain management, and abstaining from alcohol. In patients who abuse alcohol over many years, chronic alcoholic myopathy may develop. Symptoms include painless weakness of the limb muscles closest to the trunk and the girdle muscles, including the thighs, hips, shoulders, and upper arms. This weakness develops gradually, over weeks or months, without symptoms of acute muscle injury. The nerves of the extremities may also begin to break down, a condition known as alcoholic peripheral neuropathy, which can add to the person’s difficulty in moving.

alcohol paralysis symptoms

The surgical removal of a small piece of muscle for microscopic analysis (muscle biopsy) shows the scattered breakdown and repair of muscle fibers. In chronic alcoholic myopathy, serum creatine kinase often is normal, and muscle biopsy shows atrophy, or loss of muscle fibers. Electromyography (EMG) may show features characteristic of alcoholic myopathy or neuropathy. Patients with this condition have the sudden onset of Wernicke encephalopathy; the symptoms include marked confusion, delirium, disorientation, inattention, memory loss, and drowsiness. Examination reveals abnormalities of eye movement, including jerking of the eyes (nystagmus) and double vision.


Ethyl alcohol poisoning generally results from drinking too many alcoholic beverages in a short period of time. It’s a rare condition, and its symptoms are similar to those of more common health problems. You may need to see a specialist with expertise in neuromuscular conditions, like a neurologist or a physical medicine and rehabilitation specialist, to get the right diagnosis.

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